Transformer Instruction Manuals

If your like me in the beginning I would read the instruction manual transform it once and then have to throw it out. I had very little space, and even had a fairly small collection. Now days looking back I wish I could have saved them as at times certain figures can be extremely challenging!

Well you may still be in luck there are a few resources available to us collectors that still have them!

1) Hasbro Instructions – This site is a definite good start. If your needing not recent instructions they have a “older figures” section too. It helps to know a little bit about the figure such as the name and so forth.

2) (link) – This site has a better break down per series and giving counts to each that they have. So if your not exactly sure what the name is but know the series… You might try Unicron first!

3) (link) – If you know the name of the transformer then great! Know the year? This site has mostly G1 and G2 instructions, so don’t expect to find more recent lines.

Do you have a instruction manual listing site? Let us know we would love to add you to our list!

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